Computer Sessions. Evening club is a happy world to make your child bloom. You will feel assured that they are in a safe, fun place with tones of new things to explore.
Birthday Celebration
Each child celebrates his B’Day with his family at smiles amidst balloons, music, games and beautiful atmosphere, A beautiful Birthday gift, a memorable card, C.D& photos of the birthday celebration in the school and a cake is gifted to each child.
Smiles celebrates all festivals with great aplomb like Lohr, Holl Diwal, Gurupurab, Janamashtri, Christmas etc.
Al occasions like Gandhi Jayant, independence Day, and Teacher’s Day etc, will be celebrated with zest and in true splet.
Field Trips and Picnics
Children will be taken to field tips, excursions drid picnics according to the related topics in the curriculum.